英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:08:52

see out

英 [si: aut]

美 [si aʊt]


  • 网络解释

1. 熬过:see out 熬过 | see little of 几乎没见到... | see one's way (clear) to do sth. 有可能(做某事)

2. 送某人出门;度过,熬过;进行到底:see off为......送行 | see out送某人出门;度过,熬过;进行到底 | see through看穿,识破;帮助度过(困难等进行到底


3. 完成:see off 送别 | see out 完成 | see over 察看

4. 送某人到门口/屋外:see into 识透,调查 | see out 送某人到门口/屋外, | see off 送行

By the end of the fight, Margarito could barely see out of either eye.(到拳赛结束时,马加里托的双眼几乎都看不见了。)
Earlier in October, the Dutchman, whose contract with Milan runs out in the summer, admitted he wants to see out his career at PSV.(十月初,荷兰人承认本赛季与米兰的合同结束后,他希望在埃因霍温退役。)
She was in a mess and could see no way out.(她陷入困境,找不到出路。)
We look out and see where we like to go.(我们去看外界,看到我们想去的地方。)
Unlike the wind turbines that some people don't like to see out of their Windows, the Flexblue nuclear plants would be under water several miles out to sea.(不像风力发电机,有些人不愿意从窗口看到它们,Flexblue核电站建在水下离岸边数里远的地方。)
They can see themselves going out on a limb, voting for a very controversial energy bill.(他们会发现自己由于投票赞成一个有争议的能源法案而陷入困境。)
I usually put it in my diary when I see the wild flowers coming out.(我看到野花盛开时,通常会记在日记本里。)
He was out when I called to see him.(我去拜访时,他不在家。)
By the same unflinching logic, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and Spain will not see out the next millennium. Even China has only 1, 500 years left.(按同样的逻辑,德国、意大利、日本、俄罗斯和西班牙将挨不到下个千年,即便是中国也只剩1500年了。)
They had enough fuel to see the winter out.(他们有足够的燃料过冬。)
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